Engage the Organization as a Whole into Cybersecurity Efforts

Preparing the Entire Organization

Cybersecurity education is critical to all personnel across the entire company to ensure all are prepared in the event of a security breach or attack. Being deliberate in promoting security into business practices every day will help ensure data and IT are protected. By aligning IT and business objectives while simultaneously getting all employees involved in security, we’ll be able to create a company-wide security culture that universally strives to protect, detect, respond and recover from a security breach.

Our cyber exercise planning service is focused on testing and challenging the knowledge and preparedness of a company’s entire workforce. We deliver multiple scenario injects based on current, real-world events and work out a plan for extreme-but-plausible scenarios within a company’s industry.

We use various methods including table top exercises and role playing, and tailor the exercises depending on an organization’s culture, security expertise, and highest risks


Learn more about how we can help you with your cybersecurity needs.

Playbook Revision or Development

If a playbook exists, MorganFranklin will evaluate critical staff on multiple scenario injects in order to provide feedback and any recommendations to revise that may be necessary. During this discovery, MorganFranklin will work with each of the organization’s respective teams to ensure everyone is prepared to take on their role in the event that a real-life attack does occur.

If a playbook is needed as part of an organization’s cyber security refresh, our advisors will work collaboratively with the InfoSec team to create a company-wide playbook geared towards specific events including cyber-attack, cyber breach, and crisis management. As part of the finalized playbook delivery, MorganFranklin would provide an engaging team of advisors to implement and train staff on the new procedures

The MorganFranklin Way™

MorganFranklin helps your organization generate risk intelligence that directly benefits your incident response strategy. In the event of a cyber attack, you’ll always be prepared against the latest threats with the best defenses.

MorganFranklin’s capabilities include:


We are experienced, engaged professionals that are highly energetic and motivated to work in challenging, high stakes environments.