Kate Scott
Meet Kate Scott
What is your motto or personal mantra?
I have a “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” quote hanging in a place where I see it every day. Steve Jobs has some great quotes, but this is one of my all-time favorites.
I am also a big fan of “You’ve got this.” It is a great one to repeat before a big presentation or in the final miles of a marathon!
How did your time studying abroad in France influence the person you are today?
When I arrived in France, I quickly realized that I did not speak French that well. I also did not have a place to live, and I was one of the only Americans in my program. My normal reaction would have been to be completely stressed and anxious, and believe me, I had those moments. I woke up one day and realized that I just had to deal with it, go with the flow, and adapt.
One of my best friends still lives in France, so I have been back several times since I studied abroad. She does not live to work, she works to live. She slows down and enjoys life. Although my university experience was fairly intense, looking back, we did the same thing when I was abroad. One of our favorite things was hanging out in the Eiffel Tower park, watching the sunset. Obviously, I cannot do this everyday (I wish!), but when I am at work, I am 100% committed to work and when I am not working, I slow down and enjoy life.
Please tell us more about your professional background and what led you to pursue a career at MorganFranklin.
I started my career at a small public accounting firm and then spent several years at large companies in internal audit, finance, accounting, and controllership.
About a year ago I read a book called Designing Your Life: How To Build A Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. The book inspired me to make a significant career change. I took a consulting role at a small company as their acting controller where I assisted leadership, operations, and the back office through an acquisition. I loved the company and the people, and I used to joke that I never got thanked so much for doing my job. I wanted to continue helping firms and executives full-time. I set out looking for a firm where I could have the flexibility to work on different projects and really get to know my colleagues well. MorganFranklin was the perfect fit.
What is your role at MorganFranklin, and what do you do?
I assist clients by addressing complex technical accounting, audit and financial reporting issues, and by applying my experience from previous roles in controllership, internal audit, financial reporting, accounting, and finance. In addition, I also do quite a bit of transaction services related work. I am also a member of the firm’s Women’s Initiative, co-captain of the MorganFranklin American Heart Association Lawyers Have Heart team, and a career coach.
What has been your favorite MorganFranklin project, and why?
I recently helped a client with a complicated restatement where I created a financial statement bridge and supporting tables for a technical accounting memo. The controller had not created these documents before and wanted to learn. I completed the initial template and draft, but I was extremely proud when she was able to complete the final draft with little assistance—and to explain the documents with confidence.
What inspires you in the work you do at MorganFranklin?
I genuinely enjoy helping people through complex issues, transitions, and changes. I feel accomplished when a client is less stressed and we are able to give them time back to spend outside of work.
If you had to recruit someone to join the MorganFranklin team, what are three traits you would want to see in this recruit?
I would love to see someone who is a self-starter, passionate, and a team player. Also, someone who likes to laugh and does not take things too seriously!
You recently relocated from NYC to the DC Metro region. How has this transition been, and what do you like/dislike about DC compared to NYC?
I have lived in several other cities, including Philadelphia, Boston, and Los Angeles, so you could say I am a pro at transitioning to a new city.
There are superficial things I miss about NYC like pizza, 24-hour Duane Reade, and running in Central Park, but I do love my larger apartment, my trail runs, and Virginia wine country.
I always miss my friends when I move, but I am very fortunate to have close friends and family in DC. Plus, my NYC friends are only a phone call or a quick flight away!
What is your favorite office hack that makes your day more productive?
I am the most productive when I am organized before checking that first email in the morning. I check my calendar the night before so that I am not frazzled the following morning. After a quality night’s sleep, I workout, eat breakfast, and drink a cup of coffee. If I need it, I skip the workout and get an extra hour of shut-eye—I did this before sleeping was trendy!