Contact Information
Phone: 202.798.5078

Greg Rotz


Greg Rotz has extensive experience supporting emerging growth and large multinational corporations with their risk management, SOX compliance, and internal audit programs.  He has more than 20 years of experience in internal controls, internal audit, technical accounting, and financial reporting. Having spent time outside of consulting, and as an executive in industry, Greg prides himself on providing practical solutions for his client’s challenges.

Prior to joining MorganFranklin, Greg led PWC’s emerging growth company risk advisory practice in the southeast, successfully helping companies through the IPO and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) readiness process. He also spent four years within the pharmaceutical and biotech industry with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, serving in a number of capacities, most notably as a chief financial officer of the company’s affiliate in eastern Europe.

Rotz holds a master’s in business administration, as well as a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting from La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA. He is certified public accountant (CPA) and a common security framework practitioner (CCSFP).